São Chico Private Retreat / Studio Paralelo

São Chico Private Retreat / Studio Paralelo

Architects: Studio Paralelo
Location: São Francisco de Paula, RS – Brazil
Contractor: Sull Frame
Steel Frame: Formac Brasil
Steel Frame Engineering: Formac Chile
Concrete Engineering: Multiprojetos
Lighting: Eficientysul
Wood Stoves: Amesti Brasil
Site Area: 1610 sqm
Constructed Area: 82 sqm
Project Year: 2006
Construction Year: 2007
Photographs: Eduardo Aigner

Vandalog » About Vandalog

Vandalog » About Vandalog: "About Vandalog:
Vandalog is a blog about street art. It’s the place for street art fans to keep up to date on what’s going on with street art (and London street art in particular). If something matters in street art, you can read about it on Vandalog. Vandalog was started by RJ Rushmore in October 2008. This is the blog, but you can also check out the Vandalog flickr and the Vandalog Twitter. One day there might be a wiki too."

The Thousands: Painting Outside, Breaking In - Stencil Art - Books : Drago Shop

The Thousands: Painting Outside, Breaking In - Stencil Art - Books : Drago Shop: "Michael “RJ” Rushmore"


Michael Webb’s drive-in house, a new typology fusing house and automobile.

Michael Webb’s drive-in house, a new typology fusing house and automobile.

Michael Webb - Cushicle Chassis With Undeployed Suitaloon, 1968

BLDGBLOG: Without Walls: An Interview with Lebbeus Woods

Taken from: BLDGBLOG: Without Walls: An Interview with Lebbeus Woods: "Without Walls: An Interview with Lebbeus Woods" + http://www.flickr.com/photos/bldgblog/

Without Walls: An Interview with Lebbeus Woods | Architecture Lab

Lebbeus Woods, Havana, radically reconstructed, 1994

from:: Without Walls: An Interview with Lebbeus Woods Architecture Lab: "Without Walls: An Interview with Lebbeus Woods"